Honeybee Friendly Plants, Flowers And Trees For Your Garden

Why are bees so important?

Honeybees aren’t just semi-important. They are actually amongst THE MOST IMPORTANT creatures to humans on earth. These bee-utiful insects pollinate over 80% of all flowering plants including 70 of the top 100 food crops for humans. This is why it’s important to know our honeybee-friendly plants, flowers, and trees for your garden.

Are honeybees going extinct?

According to Scientificamerican.com, the honeybee population has plunged almost 90 percent since the 1990s.

What factors are contributing to declining in The bee population?

  • Disease
  • Pesticides
  • Climate change
  • Habitat loss

How can I do my part to help preserve bees?

As a company, Gunter Pest is making a big effort to educate our customers on the importance of preserving the bees. We do not exterminate bees, but rather lead inquiring callers to our friends at Midwest Bee Removal to remove and relocate bees from your home. Honeybees are protected by law, and the owner of Midwest Bee Removal actually moves the bees to a new home at his family orchard.

Pest Control For Apartments In Kansas City, MO

Here’s how you can help:

  • Plant a garden in your yard or even in a window box in your apartment. Scroll down to see the best plants to plant that will help with bee pollination.
  • Tip from CNN: Reduce or limit the use of pesticides while plants are in bloom.
  • Make a donation to the Pollinator Partnership to help support the protection of bees.
  • Have a professional install a beehive in your yard just like our very own president, Jay Besheer!  Read this article in PCT Magazine: Gunter Pest’s Besheer Family Promotes Pollinator Health Through Beehive Installation.
Honeybee friendly plants can be found by local companies who will relocate your bees.

Beekeeper installs beehive in Jay and Pam Besheers’ front yard!

Jay Besheer, Pam Besheer, and their neighbors watching the beehive installation!

Honeybee Friendly Plants, flowers, and shrubs to plant for bee pollination:


Lilac trees



Best trees to plant for bee pollination and population:

American redbud

Crabapple tree

Magnolia tree

Best herbs for bee pollination and population:




Happy Planting! Thanks For Doing Your Part To Help Save The Bees!

Here Are Some FAQs About How You Can Help Save The Bees







