Yesterday was Administrative Professionals’ Day and we celebrated by bringing in lunch!
We love how tight knit our office staff is. There are eight to nine of us that work in our Kansas City Gunter Pest office in Waldo! This is why it was exciting to celebrate Administrative Professionals’ Day.
-20% of this crew has been working at Gunter for over 15 years
-40% over 25 years
-Only 1 has worked at Gunter (starting with summers in high school) for over 45 years (Mr. Jay Besheer)
Meet our office admin staff:
Jay Besheer: President

His oldest memory of working at Gunter was “in 1963 when I was eight years old, I would ride around to customers houses with my grandfather on Saturdays when I was out of school and talk to the owners of the houses and tell them how I wanted to be a bug man just like my grandpa when I grew up.”
Norman Besheer: Ceo
Norman O. Besheer currently serves as Chairman and CEO of Gunter Pest Management. Prior to January 2, 1998, he was President, Treasurer and CEO.
During his career with Gunter, he has served as President of both the Kansas and Missouri Pest ControlAssociations; President of the Pest Control Association of Greater Kansas City; and National Vice President, Regional Director and Board Member of the National Pest Management Association. He is also a member of Pi Chi Omega, the professional fraternity of the pest control industry.
Norman is a lifetime member and Senior Counselor of the Missouri Bar and practiced law for 16 years prior to his affiliation with Gunter Pest Management.

Jeremiah ryden: General manager

Jeremiah began his career with Gunter as a part-time summer employee as a pest control technician in 1992. After graduation from Kansas State University, Jeremiah rose through the ranks to become General Manager in 2004. He is a member of Pi Chi Omega, the professional fraternity of the pest control industry. Jeremiah has also served as President of the Pest Management Association of Greater Kansas City and President of the Missouri Pest Control Association.
Not only does Jeremiah serve as an expert in matters of termite and general pest control matters, but he also is responsible for coordinating day-to-day activities in the field with administrative activities in the office.
deb wimsatt: veteran scheduler

Deb has worked at Gunter for 15 years!! She loves hanging out with her grandkids, trips to the lake, going shopping and GOOD FOOD :).
debbie browning: termite dept coordinator

Debbie loves spending time with her children and grandchildren. We love her warm personality, patience and witty humor.
holly hall: office scheduler and resident sweets baker

Holly LOVES anything outdoors! Hiking, fishing, gardening, you name it. She also loves to cook – baking in particular is her favorite. We really enjoy when she brings in goodies to the office :).
catie mcqueeny: hr and creative dept

Catie is quite the traveler. She lived in Madrid, Spain for two years where she met her now boyfriend that she dragged from Spain to Kansas City :). Catie is bi-lingual and fluent in Spanish. She’s also currently taking classes at a local University WHILE working full time. We are lucky to have her!
hayley (besheer) santell: director of business development
Hayley works part time for Gunter as leader of business development – running social media, creative department as well as participating on the sales team. She’s been working on and off at Gunter for almost 15 years – since she was in high school. After all, her great-grandfather was the owner back in 1950 when we began. Her dad Jay and grandpa Norman both work at Gunter every day.
Thanks to our office staff for all you do to keep our customers happy and field technicans’ routes flowing